
Tarot Ritual: Awakening Your Intuitive Self


Welcome to the captivating world of tarot, a path of discovery and inspiration. Let's take a moment to establish a fundamental principle: respect. The tarot, with its rituals and symbols, can be perceived in various ways. For some, it is an open door to spirituality and introspection, while for others, it might seem like nothing more than a set of cards illuminated with mysterious figures. Even if some aspects may seem amusing in their apparent strangeness, let us remember that mockery has no place here. Each ritual is a thread woven into the vast tapestry of human diversity.

For the novices, the lines below are an open door to a personal adventure with the tarot. Approach these rituals with curiosity and without judgment, and let yourself be amazed by the richness of this practice. They are an invitation to discover, to feel, and to make the tarot your own in a way that resonates with your being.

So, let's open our minds and hearts to the tarot experience with authenticity and enthusiasm. Together, let's explore the tarot with seriousness and joy, and allow this practice to uplift us.

1. Introduction

1. Introduction

The practice of tarot is an open door to a world of reflection and introspection, where each card can become a mirror of the soul. But before starting a reading, it is essential to prepare, not to impress or position oneself as a guru, but to align with oneself and prepare for the encounter with the consultant. This preparation, or ritualization, is not a stage setting; it is the fertile ground where intuition, concentration, and receptivity can flourish.

Creating a sacred space is at the heart of this preparation. It is about building a haven, a place where one feels at home, sheltered from daily worries, open to an authentic encounter, whether with a consultant or with oneself during a personal reading. This space becomes a cocoon where one can allow oneself to be fully present, to listen and to receive.

The importance of ritualization lies in its ability to give meaning to our approach. It clarifies our intentions and conditions our mind to adopt the right inner posture. It enriches the tarot experience, making it deeper, more meaningful. It's a dance between the conscious and the unconscious, where each gesture and each object used carry an intention and a direction.

"I sometimes perform spontaneous readings in unusual places, without prior ritual. However, when I take the time to prepare, at home, in my dedicated space, I feel a stronger connection with the cards. Sometimes, I am guided by them, and I draw the cards myself rather than letting the consultant do it. These sessions are often marked by a particular intensity, especially when I sense a 'heavy baggage' in the person in front of me. In these moments, the ritualization creates a secure framework, for both myself and the consultant, who can then open up and participate in the preparation."

The atmosphere created, whether "cozy" or "spiritualized," plays a crucial role in managing and releasing the strong emotions that may arise during a reading. For the reader as well as for the consultant, the ritual is an invitation to let go, to free oneself, to reclaim one's personal power.

In conclusion, the ritual is not a mere formality; it is an act of presence, a path to oneself and to the other. It is not about conforming to a rigid protocol, but about finding one's own rhythm, one's own way of opening up to the messages of the tarot. Whether in a professional or personal setting, the ritual is a door that we open with respect and intention, ready to welcome what wishes to manifest.

2. Prerequisites

2. Prerequisites

Some prerequisites are essential to ensure the purity and clarity of the session. These foundations are crucial, not only for the respect of the tradition but also for the quality of intuition and the emotional safety of all.

Sobriety and clarity:

It is imperative to refrain from any substance that could alter judgment or intuition. Alcohol, tobacco, or any psychotropic substance, including certain medications, can cloud the clear perception necessary for an accurate reading. If you feel like drawing the cards under these conditions, do so freely, but avoid associating it with a sacred ritual. Sobriety is not a constraint but a gateway to unfiltered intuition, a pure channel for the messages to be received.

Intuition and the back of the cards: "For those who, like me, use the historical Marseille tarot decks, the specificity of their 'taroté' mosaic-patterned backs plays a significant role. This feature, absent from modern decks, is a guide for intuition. Personally, I feel a vibration, a movement on the back of the cards that helps me to select them. This sensation diminishes, or even disappears, in the presence of consciousness-altering substances. Thus, sobriety allows a more authentic communion with the deck, where the choice of cards becomes almost self-evident."

The Importance of preparation:

Ritualization begins well before the reading itself. It is part of an approach of respect and preparation of the space and oneself. It is a way to shed external influences to enter a bubble of concentration and receptivity. Cleaning the cards, for example, is more than an energetic purification; it is an act of recentering, a way to rid oneself of parasitic thoughts. This gesture, performed at the first use of the deck and after each consultation, is a ritual in itself, preparing the ground for the upcoming session.

The deck ready for use:

Your tarot deck should be ready for use. An energetic cleaning is not necessary before each consultation if the deck has been correctly prepared and stored. However, fumigation with incense can be part of the preparation ritual, not for the cards, but for yourself, to help you concentrate and take ownership of the space.

These prerequisites are not arbitrary rules; they are the guardians of the quality of your practice. They invite you to honor tradition while adapting to the demands of modernity. Clarity, intuition, preparation, and respect for the deck are the pillars upon which a successful tarot session rests. They are the foundation that allows the "magic" of the moment to unfold in all its splendor.

3. preparation of the sacred space

3. preparation of the sacred space

Preparing the sacred space is a fundamental step in the practice of tarot. It is in this space that the reader and the consultant will delve into the depths of intuition and reflection. Here's how to transform an ordinary place into a sanctuary conducive to divination.

  • Choice of location: Select a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. The atmosphere should invite serenity and contemplation. Whether it's a corner of your living room or a dedicated room, the important thing is that this space is disconnected from daily worries and can be transformed into a haven of peace.
  • Creation of the altar: At the center of your sacred space, place a mat that will serve as an altar. This mat is not just a simple support for your cards; it symbolizes the neutral ground on which the "energies" can meet and express themselves freely. Choose it carefully, as it will be the silent witness to your readings.
  • Personal and symbolic objects: Around or on your altar, arrange objects that resonate with you. This can be crystals, figurines, images, or any other element that has personal or spiritual significance. These objects are not mere decorations; they serve as anchors for your intentions and catalysts for your intuition.
  • Lighting atmosphere: Light plays a crucial role in creating the atmosphere. Draw the curtains and light candles to focus the lighting on the altar. The surrounding dimness helps to concentrate on the reading and to put aside the outside world.
  • Olfactory stimulation: Incense or sage can be used to purify the space and awaken the senses. Smell is a powerful vector of memory and emotion, and can greatly influence the mindset of the reader and the consultant.
  • Sound atmosphere: A background of soft music or nature sounds can aid concentration and meditation. However, make sure it is discreet enough not to disrupt communication between you and the consultant.
  • Mantras and chants: Mantras or short chants are powerful tools for aligning with your inner self. They can be recited to establish a connection with the divine or simply to center your mind.
Card cleansing: "Even if you do not believe in energies, the simple act of passing your cards through the smoke of incense or handling them consciously can serve as a ritual of refocusing. It's a way to make the cards your own and to mentally prepare for the consultation. Cleaning techniques are the subject of another article. A first cleansing of the cards is usually done upon receiving the deck and before its first use. Then it is customary to clean it as needed, perhaps even after each consultation."

The sacred in everyday life: Preparing the sacred space is not an escape from the everyday, but an elevation of it. By ritualizing the space, you create a bridge between the material world and the spiritual world, between the conscious and the subconscious, between the tarologist and the consultant.

Conclusion: The preparation of the sacred space is an act of devotion towards the art of tarot. It allows you to disconnect from the outside world to better connect with the universe of the cards. Each gesture, each object, each element of the atmosphere contributes to creating a setting where intuition can express itself freely, where the consultant can feel safe, and where the tarologist can practice their art with respect and authenticity. It is in this space that tarot reveals its full potential, where each reading becomes a journey into the meanders of the soul and mind.

4. Meditation and/or invocation (before the reading)

4. Meditation and/or invocation (before the reading)

Meditation and invocation are essential practices that prepare the mind and spirit for the tarot session. They help to center oneself and connect with spiritual guides or one's own inner self (according to one's beliefs). Meditation can take many forms, and there is no "right" way to meditate. Find the practice that suits you best, whether it's guided meditation, candle flame meditation, or simply a moment of silence in the semi-darkness. Here's how to integrate these practices into your tarot ritual.

Centering and grounding:

Before beginning to handle the cards, it is crucial to center yourself. Techniques of deep and conscious breathing can help you anchor in the present moment. Inhale slowly, hold your breath for a moment, then exhale just as slowly. Repeat this process several times until you feel your mind calm and your body relax.

Calling upon guides:

If your practice includes working with guides, angels, or deities, now is the time to invoke them. You can do this silently or out loud, asking for their presence and support for the reading. Express your gratitude for their guidance and ask them to help you interpret the messages of the cards with clarity and wisdom.

For those less familiar with meditation:

If you are new to meditation or do not work with guides, simply take a moment for yourself. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and focus on your intention for the reading. Visualize yourself receiving the necessary messages with clarity and kindness.

Mantras and Affirmations:

Mantras and affirmations are powerful tools to focus the mind and reinforce intention. Here are some examples that you can use:


For clarity and intuition:

  • "I am a clear channel, my vision is sharp and my intuition strong."
  • "The wisdom of the universe guides my readings and illuminates the hidden messages."
For grounding and protection:
  • "I am grounded and protected, only truth and light surround me."
  • "I am rooted in the present moment, secured and guided by the earth under my feet."
For openness and receptivity:
  • "My mind is open to all possibilities, my heart is receptive to the messages meant for me."
  • "I am open and ready to receive the wisdom of the cards with gratitude and humility."


For connecting with the consultant:

  • "I am fully present with you, attentive to your story and your needs."
  • "I create a space of understanding and compassion for a reading that is beneficial to you."
For self-confidence:
  • "I trust my knowledge and intuition to interpret the cards with accuracy and kindness."
  • "My practice is guided by experience, knowledge, and a sincere heart."
For the intention of the reading:
  • "May this reading bring clarity, comfort, and positive direction."
  • "May the cards reveal what is necessary for the greatest good of <name of the consultant>."

These mantras and affirmations can be repeated silently or aloud during meditation to help focus, establish a clear intention, and create an environment conducive to an intuitive and meaningful reading.

In conclusion, meditation and invocation are key steps that prepare the reader and the consultant for an enriching tarot experience. They allow opening up to the wisdom of the cards, centering on the intention of the reading, and creating a connection between the reader, the consultant, and the divine (for those who believe). By incorporating these practices into your ritual, you create a space where the "magic" of the Tarot can fully manifest, where each card drawn is a further step on the path of understanding and personal growth.

A free PDF to print, cut out, and fold!

Key words for the 78 cards for the Tarot of Marseille, to slip into your favorite deck. Your leaflet always with you, at hand, to guide you in your readings. Thanks to it, your interpretations gain in richness and subtlety.

5. The card drawing

5. The card drawing

The card drawing is the heart of the tarot consultation, a moment where intuition, symbolism, and awareness intersect. To make this encounter as authentic and enlightening as possible, each step must be carried out with care and intention.

The importance of intuition:

When you begin the drawing, let your intuition guide you. The cards you draw are a reflection of your inner vibration. Trust this deep voice that guides you to the cards to reveal. If you are using a Tarot de Marseille, pay attention to the feeling the "mosaic" on the back of the cards gives you. This specificity can be a valuable tool to refine your intuition.

Emotional safety:

Tarot drawing can lead to profound revelations and the expression of strong emotions. As a reader, your role is to create a space where the consultant feels safe to explore these emotions. The ritualization of the drawing helps to establish this sacred space, providing a framework where the consultant can feel supported and free to express whatever may arise.

Transmission and interaction:

Interaction with the consultant is essential. Encourage them to draw the cards themselves, which reinforces their involvement in the reading and symbolizes their empowerment over their own life. As a reader, you can facilitate this process by placing your hands over theirs above the deck of cards, sharing a moment of connection before starting the drawing.

I always let the consultant draw the cards by themselves, thus they touch and take ownership of the deck I entrust to them. I always make a transmission by asking the consultant to place their hands on the stack of cards which I cover with my own hands and I pronounce the words "this tarot now belongs to you, may it tell you your truth, and nothing but your truth". I remove my hands and let the consultant begin to shuffle the cards. I do not make any cut of the deck, as to cut the "energies" between me and the consultant, on the contrary, since I ritualize my preparation, I transmit my serene, open, and available state of mind. It is important that the consultant draws the cards themselves so that consciously or unconsciously they feel they are in control of their destiny, that they have the "cards in hand" both physically and symbolically.

Focus during the drawing:

If you have chosen to accompany the drawing with music or soothing sounds, make sure the volume is low enough not to distract from the communication between you and the consultant. The atmosphere must remain conducive to listening and interpreting the cards.

Atmosphere management:

Ensure that the incense or sage burned at the beginning of the ritual is not overpowering. The goal is to create a subtle olfactory ambiance that supports concentration, not hinders it.

Respecting beliefs:

Every tarot reader has their own beliefs and practices. If you do not subscribe to the idea that cards can be "charged" with negative energies, you can still respect cleaning rituals as a way to clear your mind and mentally prepare for the consultation.

I have no qualms about using my personal tarot during a consultation with someone and entrusting them with my deck. I know there's a superstition that a personal tarot should not be touched and should only be handled by its owner, because of "energies". Although I respect this custom among some tarot readers, I consider drawing the cards an act of transmission. In this state of mind, my personal tarot passes from hand to hand and it's a very good thing. As for the "negative energies" that my personal tarot could pick up, I clean it and especially I sort it at the end of every consultation. Also, it comes back and is always stored to the standard, mine.

Personalizing the drawing:

Encourage consultants to express their own wishes or ritual practices. This can enrich the drawing experience and strengthen their engagement in the process. Be flexible and open to adjustments that can make the session more personal and meaningful for the consultant.

Conclusion: The tarot drawing is an act of discovery and revelation. As a reader, your task is to navigate this sacred space with respect, awareness, and an open mind. Each revealed card is an opportunity to explore not only the future or external circumstances but also the inner landscapes of the consultant. In the end, the tarot is a mirror of the soul, and the drawing, a dialogue between the visible and the invisible, the known and the mysterious, the consultant and the universe.

6. Closing the Ritual

6. Closing the Ritual

The closing of the ritual plays an important role in the separation between the sacred space of the reading and the return to everyday life. Closing rituals, like opening ones, are personal and should resonate with ourselves. They symbolize the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. It is a moment of transition, of returning to the everyday, while preserving the wisdom and integration of the messages received.

Thanks and recognition:

Begin by expressing your gratitude. Whether to spiritual guides, angels, deities, or simply to the universe for the revelations provided, it is important to verbalize this recognition. This can be done through a silent prayer, an affirmation spoken aloud, or a simple moment of reflection.

Sharing with the consultant:

At the end of the session, take a moment to reflect on the reading. What have you learned? Are there any messages or recurring themes? This reflection can be shared with the consultant. If the session has been particularly intense, sharing a post-consultation moment can be beneficial. This can take the form of a conversation, sharing a hot drink, or a moment of shared silence. It's a gentle transition back to everyday reality. It also allows for discussion of the reading and ensures that the consultant leaves with a clear understanding of the messages from the cards. It is an opportunity for the consultant to begin to integrate the messages from the cards and for you to ensure that the session ends on a positive note.

Cleaning and storing the cards:

After the consultation, take the time to sort and store the cards. This step is not just about material order, but also a way to close the ritual, to refocus and prepare for the next reading. Cleaning the cards is not just a matter of spiritual practice, but also a psychological act of closure. By sorting and ordering the cards, you signal to your mind that the session is over. This helps to dispel emotional and mental residues and to prepare the deck for the next use. Each reader may have their own method: some will prefer traditional methods such as smudging, while others will opt for more personal techniques.

Restoring the order of the cards:

Sorting the tarot in a specific order is a practice that varies from reader to reader. The important thing is to find an order that resonates with you and that helps you reset the deck. This can be a meditative moment, a return to calm after the emotional exchange of the consultation.

For my part, I always sort the cards in a specific order before packing them away. This is a natural order for me, but everyone has their own. Specifically, I start by separating the numeral cards, the court cards, and the Triumphs. Then I sort the numerals in ascending order, the court cards in the order: Jack, King, Knight, Queen. I always sort the suits in the following order: Coins, Wands, Swords, Cups. I of course order the 22 triumphs in ascending order, putting THE FOOL at the end. I then place the court cards after the numeral cards. Then I place the 56 minors back to back with the 22 majors with the eventual booklet or keyword sheet in the middle. Then I put the pack of cards in its packaging, presenting THE MAGICIAN in front (and therefore the Ace of Coins behind) because one must always remain humble before the Tarot. I hold this order from the master card makers of the Renaissance, as it seems to appear through the cards. I know that it takes time to sort this out at the end of the consultation, but this is the right time for me to return to myself and my centering, and to re-appropriate my personal tarot, and above all to return it to my standard. Again, these are primarily psychological considerations and mental habits. Now we know, the Spirit has power over Matter ...

Respect for the material :

Storing the tarot in a safe and respectful place is essential. Whether it's in a pouch accompanied by semi-precious stones or between prayer cards, the resting place of your tarot must be chosen carefully. This reflects the respect you have for your working tool and for the divinatory practice itself.

Personal closing ritual :

After putting away the cards, it's time to refocus. Whether through meditation, a walk, or simply enjoying a hot drink, find an activity that helps you detach from the session. This is a moment for you, to come back to your own center and to release accumulated tensions.

My closing rituals are as follows: Sort and order my tarot (always!) then prepare a hot drink that I share with the consultant or that I will drink at my window. It happened to me once to take a shower for a solitary reading concerning me. The water flowing over the skin also washes our inner self.

Encouragement to personal practice :

Encourage your consultants and tarotist friends to develop their own rituals. This can strengthen their own practice and help them integrate tarot readings into their daily lives.

The practice of tarot is an inner journey, a quest for meaning and understanding that goes beyond the mere act of drawing cards. It is enriched and deepened by ritualization, which is not just for show, but an essential preparation of the mind and space. Ritualization of the tarot is a dance between the sacred and the profane, between our inner world and the materiality of our lives.

The essence of ritualization:

At the heart of ritualization lies intention. Each gesture, each object, each word spoken during the ritual carries a meaning that prepares the reader and the consultant for a transformative experience. It's an invitation to set aside the everyday to enter a space where intuition, focus, and listening are key. This is where the tarot reveals its potential, not as a divinatory tool, but as a mirror of the soul.

Personalization and authenticity:

The rituals we adopt must reflect our personality, beliefs, and values. They must resonate with who we are and what we believe in. This can mean drawing inspiration from traditions, but also daring to create our own rituals that speak to our intuition and unique experiences. Personalizing rituals is the key to an authentic and meaningful practice.

Sharing and community:

By sharing our practices, we not only enrich our own experience but also that of the Tarot community. Each shared ritual is an open window into the soul of another, an opportunity to learn and grow together. It is in this exchange that the practice of Tarot becomes a true art of living.

Respect for diversity:

It is essential to recognize and respect the diversity of rituals across cultures and individuals. Each practice carries the history and beliefs of a person or a people. By welcoming this diversity, we show openness and inclusion, and we enrich our own practice.

Encouragement to explore:

Finally, I encourage you to develop, experiment with rituals, and personalize them. Let your intuition guide you and do not be afraid to modify, adapt, and transform your practices. Tarot is a life companion that evolves with you, and your rituals should reflect this continuous journey.

In conclusion, ritualization in the practice of tarot is not about showmanship or superstition. It's a profound approach that prepares the ground for a rich and enlightening experience. It helps us to center ourselves, to clarify our intentions, and to create a sacred space where the dialogue between the cards and our consciousness can flourish. Whether your rituals are simple or elaborate, whether they follow a tradition or are inventive, what's important is that they are true for you and that they serve as a bridge between the visible and the invisible, between the heart and the mind, between the soul and the universe.


✨ Your Tarot Journey: Share Your Experience ✨

We have reached the end of our ritual exploration of the tarot, but this is just the beginning of your personal adventure. And now, it's your turn to share!

Do you have personal rituals that accompany you in your tarot readings? Unique experiences or moments of intuition that have marked you?

Leave a comment below to enrich our community with your experiences. Your practices, your questions, and your stories are welcome in this space for sharing. Whether you are an experienced reader or have just started your path with the tarot, your voice matters.

Share your impressions, your discoveries, and even your hesitations:

  • Which aspect of the ritual speaks to you the most?
  • Do you have a tarot-related anecdote to share with us?
  • How do you personalize your sacred space?

Your contribution is valuable, as it can enlighten, inspire, and guide other readers on their own tarot path. And if you found value in this article, feel free to share it with those who might also find it interesting.

👉 Click on "Add a Comment" below and join the conversation. Your next tarot reading could well be influenced by the pearls of wisdom shared here!

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profilSarah, 09/14/2023
Hi, I've recently started exploring tarot. This article on preparation rituals is really enlightening. Thanks for these great insights!
profilDavid from TAROTQuest, 09/15/2023
Hi Sarah, thank you for your interest! Feel free to experiment and find what works best for you!
profilPatricia, 11/13/2023
Hello. This article on preparation rituals is quite comprehensive. I'm curious if you have any advanced techniques for connecting with the deck's energy, especially for experienced readers?
profilDavid from TAROTQuest, 11/14/2023
Hello Patricia, thank you for your insightful question. For experienced readers, I suggest trying to connect with your deck through journaling your thoughts and feelings after each reading or exploring creative visualization techniques that involve the imagery of the cards. These methods can deepen your connection with the deck's energy. I'd love to hear about your experiences with these techniques!
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