
Why No Tarot Card is Truly Negative!


When exploring Tarot, it's tempting to categorize certain cards as "positive" and others as "negative." The Hanged Man, Death, The Devil, or The Tower are often viewed with fear or apprehension, associated with painful events or upheavals. However, seeing these cards purely through a negative lens limits our understanding of their rich and universal symbolism.

Tarot does not offer fixed predictions but rather mirrors of our subconscious, reflections on our lives and choices. By learning to view each card as fundamentally neutral, we free ourselves from preconceived judgments and open up to a more nuanced and relevant interpretation, regardless of the reading context. Instead of dreading difficult messages, this approach allows us to welcome each card as an invitation to reflection and personal transformation.

However, some may argue that Tarot traditions sometimes indicate clear and negative messages that are essential to consider for properly understanding challenges or obstacles. Others, on the contrary, would emphasize the importance of a more psychological and positive approach, viewing each card as an opportunity for growth, even in adversity.

Between these two views, it's possible to find a balance. Cards like The Hanged Man, Death, The Devil, or The Tower are not here to scare us but to encourage us to look within, understand the necessary transformations, and recognize the hidden potential behind each apparent difficulty.

By adopting a more neutral and balanced view of the cards, we can truly embrace the richness of Tarot and thus provide interpretations that are both deep, relevant, and meaningful, regardless of the reading.



If we stick to the classic interpretation of The Hanged Man, it's fairly easy to see the positive aspects of this card.

1. A Change in Perspective

Indeed, The Hanged Man invites us to see things from a different angle. This card encourages taking a step back and considering a situation with a new perspective, which can bring solutions and innovative ideas. It suggests that moments of suspension and waiting are opportunities to develop a deeper understanding, which can lead to revelations and better self-mastery and control over the situations we encounter.

2. Self-Surrender and Letting Go

The Hanged Man symbolizes letting go, the need to relinquish control over every aspect of life. This attitude of relaxation can bring inner peace and allow us to align with the natural flow of the universe, leading to moments of clarity and illumination. It can also be an opportunity to free ourselves from expectations and attachments, allowing for greater inner peace and better adaptability to circumstances.

3. Patience and Sacrifice

Next, the third point that can be seen as a positive interpretation is patience and sacrifice for a greater good. This card reminds us that sometimes sacrifices are necessary for personal progress or for the well-being of others. It encourages patience and trust that today's sacrifices will bear fruit tomorrow. The Hanged Man shows that periods of waiting are not wasted time but crucial phases of preparation and reflection. This period of apparent inactivity can be a precious time for personal growth and preparing for new beginnings. The card thus teaches patience and the ability to endure difficult moments to achieve long-term goals. It reminds us that some things take time and that perseverance is often necessary for success.

We can also view The Hanged Man card with another approach, by visualizing the man hanging from the beam by a rope as an embryo in its mother's womb. The posts and beam represent the walls of the womb, the rope is the umbilical cord, and the man represents the embryo at the heart of his mother's belly. This approach allows us to consider other positive aspects of the card.

4. The Potential for Life and Growth

The embryo represents infinite potential and the promise of life. This view of The Hanged Man highlights future possibilities and ongoing development phases. Like the embryo, this card represents a moment of gestation where significant changes are being prepared, even if they are not yet visible from the outside. The Hanged Man, seen from this angle, reminds us that moments of suspension and waiting are precursors to new beginnings and promising new directions in life. This process involves transforming old beliefs and habits and leads to a better understanding of oneself and spiritual enlightenment.

5. Protection and Security

Another positive aspect is protection and security. The posts and beam, as the walls of the womb, offer protection and a secure environment for the embryo. In the same way, The Hanged Man can be seen as being in a state of safety and protection, where he can grow and prepare for the challenges to come. This card reminds individuals that they are protected and can take the time to develop without rushing.

6. Connection and Nourishment

The rope, representing the umbilical cord, symbolizes vital connection and nourishment. This highlights the importance of staying connected to sources of support and nourishing oneself spiritually and emotionally. The Hanged Man invites us to recognize and appreciate the connections that support our growth and well-being. This nourishment allows different stages of development before being "born." The Hanged Man thus indicates a period of slow but profound transformation, thanks to this connection and nourishment.

Positive interpretations in a love reading :

In a love reading, The Hanged Man card, viewed as an embryo, can symbolize a phase of growth and maturation in the relationship. This card indicates that the relationship is in full gestation and developing at its own pace, even if the progress is not immediately visible. This moment of suspension in the relationship can be seen as an opportunity to strengthen the foundation and allow the partners to better understand and connect more deeply with each other. Just as an embryo develops quietly in the womb, the relationship evolves in depth, leading to a more mature and stable love. This encourages patience and trust in the natural growth process of the relationship.

Positive interpretations in a professional reading :

In a career reading, The Hanged Man card, viewed as an embryo, represents a period of development and preparation for a new stage in the career. This moment of apparent stagnation can be a crucial phase of preparation, where new skills and ideas develop in the background. It is a time of gestation where the efforts invested will soon bear fruit. By adopting a perspective of patience and nurturing one's talents and skills, a person can expect a successful emergence into a more significant role or project. This interpretation highlights the importance of internal growth and preparation for future professional opportunities.



The Death card, often perceived as a negative card due to its name, can actually offer many positive aspects when interpreted in a more nuanced way.

1. The end of a cycle and spiritual renewal

This card marks the conclusion of a phase in life, allowing for the opening of a new chapter, often more enriching. It symbolizes a profound transformation, paving the way for new opportunities and experiences. It suggests a deeper connection with one's higher self, leading to significant spiritual growth. Through this renewal that follows the end of a cycle, this card invites us to embrace change as a necessary condition for progress in life.

2. Acceptance of life cycles

The card reminds us that every ending is the precursor to a new beginning, highlighting the importance of regeneration and constant renewal. Keeping in mind that the Death card follows the Hanged Man, where the latter represents the embryo in the womb, Death, with its scythe, can be seen as a figure that comes to cut the umbilical cord of the Hanged Man. This perspective highlights several additional positive aspects.

3. Release from attachments and negative patterns

Death can symbolize a release from emotional attachments or situations that no longer serve us. It encourages letting go of negative and unproductive elements to make room for new opportunities. This abandonment of negative patterns can lead to emotional release, signaling the end of a period of stagnation and allowing for healing and renewal.

4. Autonomy and personal evolution

Through the symbolism of the scythe cutting the umbilical cord, the Death card represents the release from dependencies and old attachments. It marks the acquisition of autonomy and the ability to stand on one's own feet, ready to explore new horizons without being hindered by the past. This process is often necessary to reach a higher level of consciousness and personal development. The individual is then ready to "rebirth" into a new reality, integrated with new experiences, and regenerate on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

Positive interpretations in a love reading :

In a love reading, the Death card can represent release and renewal. It indicates the end of a period of stagnation and suggests that the relationship is ready to evolve to a new stage, freed from past doubts and hesitations. This change can allow the relationship to develop on more solid foundations.

Thus, this positive transformation does not necessarily mark the end of the relationship, but rather the end of dynamics that no longer work. By adopting new ways of communicating and interacting, the couple can be reborn with renewed energy and stronger commitment.

Positive interpretations in a professional reading :

In a professional context, the Death card can indicate the release from professional constraints and a gain in autonomy and initiative. It suggests the end of a period of stagnation or sacrifice (as represented by the Hanged Man). This may mean the end of an unsatisfying job, a blocked project, or restrictive working conditions. By freeing oneself from these constraints, the person can embrace new opportunities more aligned with their professional aspirations.

The Death card can also symbolize a career transformation and the emergence of new project opportunities. It represents a moment of growth and professional reinvention, inviting the adoption of new, more effective, and enriching work methods.



The Devil card, often seen as the worst card in Tarot, has many positive aspects when we go beyond the prejudices we might have about it.

1. Awareness of personal limitations

The Devil card may signal the need to recognize and understand one's own limitations or dependencies. It invites us to step back and evaluate the aspects of our lives that hold us back and limit us. This awareness is the first step toward personal transformation. By identifying these limits, we can begin to overcome them and create positive changes in our lives. This awareness strengthens our self-discipline and allows us to better manage our desires and impulses. In this sense, the Devil card could also represent a call to master our impulses to achieve a state of inner freedom.

2. Overflowing vitality and creativity

The Devil is associated with intense vital energy that allows for the expression of powerful creativity, both in artistic and professional aspects. This may indicate a period of creativity and dynamism where one uses inner strength to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. In this way, significant personal growth can be attained. It may be relevant to add that this energy can sometimes be misdirected, making it essential to use this force constructively rather than destructively. This reinforces the idea that the Devil, despite its feared aspects, also offers an opportunity to channel this energy for positive accomplishments.

3. Indulgence in pleasure

The Devil can also represent acceptance of one's desires and instincts. This card encourages embracing passions and living desires in a liberated and authentic way. It invites us to allow moments of pleasure and satisfaction, which can be beneficial for relieving stress and enjoying life's pleasures in a balanced way.

4. Alienation as a means of evolution

One can perceive the Devil card differently. For example, I see it more as a card of alienation, where every principle of evolution involves a form of personal transformation. The bonds between the Devil and the two chained figures are not just ties of attachment or addiction, but can be seen as necessary bonds of exchange for personal evolution. To evolve, it is sometimes necessary to let go of a part of oneself to integrate new perspectives. In this process, we integrate aspects of the other into ourselves while sharing a part of ourselves.

The Devil card represents deep and mutual bonds with others. These connections offer opportunities for exchange and integration, rather than mere dependency. By connecting with others, we have the chance to transform by integrating aspects of their experience and perspective. This process of exchange is essential for our own evolution, as it allows us to reinvent ourselves and broaden our horizons. The Devil highlights the importance of empathy and connection for personal transformation. We could further discuss how this well-managed alienation can lead to better self-understanding and spiritual growth. The idea of detaching from certain facets of oneself to evolve is essential in many spiritual traditions.

Positive interpretations in a love reading :

The Devil card often represents intense passion and deep desire. In the context of a romantic relationship, it can signal a powerful and magnetic connection between two people. This type of energy can be very stimulating, bringing great excitement and emotional depth that strengthens the romantic bond. Both partners feel a strong chemistry that draws them to each other. This card can signify a relationship where passion and physical attraction are very present, adding an intense and electrifying dimension to their connection.

This card can also represent the release of inhibitions and taboos. It invites exploring less conventional aspects of the relationship or sexuality, encouraging partners to discover each other in new ways and to enrich their connection through shared experiences, without shame or restraint.

In love, the Devil can encourage partners to confront their "shadows" together — the aspects of their personality they prefer to hide or repress. This confrontation can lead to better mutual understanding and greater emotional intimacy. Accepting each other's weaknesses and fears can strengthen the relationship and make it more resilient in the face of difficulties. The challenges or tensions indicated by this card may push partners to grow together, overcome toxic behaviors or emotional dependencies, and build a healthier and more balanced relationship.

Positive interpretations in a professional reading :

The Devil card is often associated with limitless creativity. In a professional reading, it can mean that you have access to a source of abundant inspiration and the ability to think unconventionally. This can help you find innovative solutions to problems, be creative in your projects, or explore new avenues that can lead to growth opportunities.

The Devil can also represent great self-confidence and a magnetic presence. In the professional field, this can mean that you are capable of charming and convincing others, whether in negotiations, presentations, or team management. This charisma can enable you to positively influence others and advance your ideas.

The Devil may also indicate a tendency to take calculated risks. In a professional context, this can translate into exploring new opportunities, even if they seem bold or unconventional. The card may suggest that it is time to step out of your comfort zone and pursue initiatives that might seem risky but have the potential for great reward.

Finally, the Devil can indicate mastery of the material and practical aspects of professional life. This may mean that you are skilled at managing resources, negotiating advantageous financial agreements, or maximizing profits. The card encourages you to use this ability to build a solid career, based on effective management of material realities.

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Key words for the 78 cards for the Tarot of Marseille and the Rider-Waite-Smith, to slip into your favorite deck. Your leaflets always with you, at hand, to guide you in your readings. Thanks to them, your interpretations gain in richness and subtlety.



The Tower card often causes concern because of the fear of facing the wrath of a person or the cataclysm of a sudden event, but it holds positive aspects if we adopt another perspective.

1. Truth and Authenticity

Truth and authenticity come from freeing oneself from illusions. In fact, the apparent destruction of the tower can be interpreted as a call to let go of beliefs, structures, or habits that no longer serve us. This card invites us to free ourselves from false beliefs and illusions to embrace a more authentic reality. It encourages us to face our personal truth: to see ourselves as we truly are, even when it is difficult, in order to live more authentically. This card asks us to abandon our ego, return to the essence of who we really are, and conduct ourselves with sincerity and authenticity. Thus, it symbolizes a regained clarity.

2. Courage and Resilience

The card often indicates the end of a cycle, as the tower is partially destroyed. This can represent a time to reassess one's priorities and rebuild on a more solid foundation. Although this process may be difficult, it usually leads to a more stable and fulfilling ground.

This card encourages us to face challenges head-on, to look in the mirror, and to observe our flaws. These imperfections, far from being obstacles, become catalysts for personal growth. Times of crisis can reveal unexpected strengths and abilities to overcome difficulties, allowing one to become stronger and more resilient. It is an opportunity to shed what has become unnecessary or unhealthy, opening the way for new possibilities.

However, the Tower can also be seen from another angle. I have a different approach based on the iconography of the Tower in the Tarot of Marseille Type 1, where the jet of flame does not descend from the sky but instead rises towards the sky. Thus, the light leaves the tower to touch the sky. To me, this symbolizes an inner light, a connection with the sacred, or even with the divine, depending on how one interprets the sun touched by this ascending flame. The jet of flame can also represent inner passion, primal and vital desires that connect us to the rest of the world.

If one of the characters has his body half-hidden by the tower, it can mean he is only half himself, alienated by the Devil card that precedes it.

3. Inner Passion and Vital Needs

In this context, the first positive aspect is inner passion and vital desires. The ascending jet of flame represents the driving forces that push us to connect with the rest of the world and fulfill our deepest aspirations.

It is about finding one's true desire, reconnecting with oneself, and expressing one's deepest and sincerest desires. One no longer seeks to please others or attract the world to oneself. One desires things that meet essential needs. The Tower card therefore highlights a strong correlation between desire and need. One aspires to things that truly fulfill our deep inner needs, which highlights the importance of following one's true and sincere passions to achieve personal fulfillment and live in harmony with oneself.

4. The Spiritual Quest

The second important aspect of this interpretation is the inner light and connection to the divine. Indeed, in the Tarot of Marseille Type 1, this jet of flame that rises towards the sky symbolizes an inner light that rises to touch the sacred or the divine, contrary to the classical interpretation where lightning descends from the sky to strike the tower. Here, the energy ascends, representing a form of inner illumination leading to spiritual elevation and connection with the divine, whether in a religious context or simply a connection with the sacred for atheists. This rising flame can be seen as a recognition of our inner light that seeks to connect with something greater than ourselves, suggesting a spiritual awakening and a quest for inner truth.

Positive interpretations in a love reading :

The Tower is an invitation to show courage and honesty in the relationship. This means facing uncomfortable truths that may have been ignored or avoided. By accepting these truths, it is possible to build a stronger relationship based on honesty, mutual respect, and acceptance of each other's imperfections.

The Tower may indicate a phase of renewal and reconstruction in the relationship. This sudden upheaval, often represented by the partial destruction of the tower, symbolizes the possibility of starting again on stronger and more authentic foundations. Tensions or crises that arise can be an opportunity for frank and open communication, allowing for misunderstandings to be clarified and a deeper and more sincere connection to be restored between the partners.

This card may suggest a release of emotional blockages that prevented the relationship from evolving. It invites letting go of fears, expectations, or illusions that have been built around the relationship. By accepting to see things as they truly are, without the filters of illusion or excessive attachment, it becomes possible to free oneself from what no longer works and to move towards a more balanced and honest relationship.

Following the interpretation of the flame rising to the sky, the Tower card can signify a spiritual awakening or a deeper search for meaning in the relationship. The partners may be called to explore deeper dimensions of their connection together, to redefine their relationship around common spiritual values, or to find a higher common purpose that unites them beyond the simple material aspects of their relationship.

Positive interpretations in a professional reading :

In a professional context, the card suggests that the challenges encountered – such as restructurings, sudden changes, or setbacks – are opportunities to develop inner strength, prove adaptability, and come out stronger from trials. Professional crises can be propitious moments to demonstrate your resilience, leadership, and ability to overcome adversity.

The partial destruction of the tower on the card can be seen as the symbol of the end of a difficult period and the beginning of a more constructive phase. This could mean the end of a toxic professional situation, an unfulfilling work environment, or a position without prospects for growth. This transition can lead to a situation where you are more in line with your professional aspirations and where your potential can be fully exploited.

Finally, the interpretation of the ascending flame can be seen as a rebirth of passion for one's work. This inner fire can symbolize the rediscovery of what truly motivates you, of your most sincere professional desires. This renewal of passion can lead to bold decisions, such as changing careers, launching your own project, or rejecting opportunities that do not align with your long-term vision.


Tarot cards, even those that may seem threatening or worrying at first glance, such as The Hanged Man, Death, The Devil, or The Tower, all have positive facets that invite reflection, transformation, and personal evolution. By adopting an open and positive approach, we can perceive these cards not as harbingers of doom, but as guides showing us the path to a better understanding of ourselves and our journey.

It's essential to remember that each card, regardless of its apparent symbolism, offers an opportunity for growth and change. By choosing to see Tarot cards positively, we allow ourselves to approach life with more courage, resilience, and curiosity. However, some might argue that certain situations require a more direct reading and that Tarot, as a divinatory tool, is also there to warn us of upcoming difficulties or dangers. This more traditional approach highlights the cards' ability to prepare us to face life's realities.

Yet, the balance lies in the ability to combine these two views: recognizing challenges while always seeking the learning and transformation potential they contain. Ultimately, adopting a positive attitude toward Tarot's "negative" cards does not mean ignoring their difficult messages but rather using them as springboards toward a more authentic and fulfilling life.

To further explore this reflection, I invite you to discover my other article: There Are No Positive Cards in Tarot where I delve into how even the seemingly most favorable cards contain subtle nuances and challenges to explore.

👉 Don't miss this opportunity to expand your understanding of Tarot and enrich your practice!


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