
Petit Lenormand and Traditional Cartomancy: Guide to Interpreting Colors and Values


Traditional cartomancy is an ancient divinatory art that uses a deck of cards to interpret past, present, and future events. This article provides an explanation of the four card colors (Spades, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds), each representing specific aspects of life, such as business, emotions, challenges, and dynamic energy. It then describes the card values (Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six), highlighting their meaning and influence in a spread through multiple combinations.

The interpretations provided are drawn from traditional French cartomancy and the writings of Etteilla.

WARNING: The following interpretations are derived from traditional French cartomancy and the writings of Etteilla. Because I am not really convinced by these interpretations (and have created my own), this article is an appendix to the series of 6 articles on learning the Petit Lenormand. Readers interested in my own interpretations should consult my next article on the interpretation grid of colors and values.


Meanings of the 4 Colors: Spades, Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts

Meanings of the 4 Colors: Spades, Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts

In the Petit Lenormand, colors play an important role in card interpretation. Each color is associated with specific energies, emotions, and themes that can influence the overall meaning of the spread.


  • Energy: mental, intellectual, analytical
  • Emotions: thoughts, ideas, decisions, internal conflicts
  • Themes: communication, work, studies, strategy


  • Energy: creative, inspired, passionate
  • Emotions: feelings, emotions, desires, creativity
  • Themes: love, relationships, family, creativity


  • Energy: material, concrete, practical
  • Emotions: security, stability, materialism
  • Themes: money, work, possession, security


  • Energy: emotional, intuitive, empathetic
  • Emotions: love, compassion, empathy, intuition
  • Themes: relationships, love, health, well-being

In summary, the colors of the Petit Lenormand offer a complementary approach to understanding the cards and the themes addressed. By considering the energies, emotions, and themes associated with each color, you can deepen your interpretation and gain a more complete view of the situation.


Color Combinations

Color Combinations

Combinations of 2 Colors

  • Spades + Hearts: Conflict between reason and emotions, tension between the head and the heart.
  • Spades + Clubs: Inspiration and creativity stimulated by thought and analysis.
  • Spades + Diamonds: Materialization of ideas and projects, realization of plans.
  • Hearts + Clubs: Love and relationships nurtured by creativity and inspiration.
  • Hearts + Diamonds: Security and stability in relationships and emotions.
  • Clubs + Diamonds: Creativity and inspiration applied to materiality and possession.

Combinations of 3 Colors

  • Spades + Hearts + Clubs: Conflict between reason, emotions, and creativity, need to find balance.
  • Spades + Hearts + Diamonds: Materialization of emotions and relationships, realization of desires.
  • Spades + Clubs + Diamonds: Inspiration and creativity applied to materiality and possession, innovation and progress.
  • Hearts + Clubs + Diamonds: Love and relationships nurtured by creativity, security, and stability.

Combinations of 4 Colors

  • Spades + Hearts + Clubs + Diamonds: Balance and harmony between reason, emotions, creativity, and materiality, success and achievement.

Interpretation of Colors Based on Their Position in the Spread

  • The color that appears first in the spread indicates the dominant energy of the situation.
  • The color that appears last in the spread indicates the conclusion or outcome of the situation.
  • The colors that appear in the middle of the spread indicate the steps or processes needed to reach the conclusion.

Combining Values

Combining Values


  • Pair: Confusion (one black Ace and one red Ace), Bad luck (two black Aces), Changes followed by great joy (two red Aces).
  • Triplet: Promotion, good news.
  • Square: Success.


  • Pair: Struggle (one black King and one red King), Success in a legal matter (two black Kings), Friendly meeting (two red Kings).
  • Triplet: Projects come to fruition.
  • Square: Male support.


  • Pair: Romantic rivals (one black Queen and one red Queen), Gossip (two black Queens), Gathering of friends (two red Queens).
  • Triplet: Social event.
  • Square: Quarrels.


  • Pair: Combative rivalry (one black Jack and one red Jack), Bad advice (two black Jacks), Gathering of males (two red Jacks).
  • Triplet: Plans for upheaval.
  • Square: Social whirlwind.


  • Pair: Delays (one black Ten and one red Ten), Change of position (two black Tens), Travel (two red Tens).
  • Triplet: Conditions improve.
  • Square: Satisfaction.


  • Pair: No advantage (one black Nine and one red Nine), Minor problems (two black Nines), Approach of pleasure (two red Nines).
  • Triplet: Benefits.
  • Square: Accomplishment.


  • Pair: Commitment, promise or agreement (one black Eight and one red Eight), Loss of position (two black Eights), Infatuation (two red Eights).
  • Triplet: Visit from a friend.
  • Square: Happiness.


  • Pair: Worries (one black Seven and one red Seven), Jealousy (two black Sevens), Proposal (two red Sevens).
  • Triplet: Physical difficulties.
  • Square: More happiness.


  • Pair: Carelessness (one black Six and one red Six), Betrayal (two black Sixes), Friendly help (two red Sixes).
  • Triplet: Joy.
  • Square: Employment.
This article is an appendix to Article No. 3 in a series dedicated to learning the Petit Lenormand:


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