
Master the 'Near / Far' Method of Petit Lenormand: Practical Guide for Accurate Readings


The art of Petit Lenormand is based on various interpretation techniques, each adding an extra nuance to your readings. Among these techniques, the interpretation of the "near/far" distances of the cards is sometimes underused, but it can prove to be an interesting tool to refine your readings. Although less often used than methods like the "Houses", this approach offers a different perspective on the cards and their messages.

In this article, we will explore the interpretation of the "near/far" distances of the Petit Lenormand cards to enrich your readings.

This article is part of a series dedicated to learning Petit Lenormand:

The Concept

The Concept

The "near / far" method is a traditional approach used in interpreting Petit Lenormand spreads. It involves analyzing the distance between a card and the Significator to assess the influence of an event, person, or situation on that same Significator. The closer a card is to the Significator, the more direct and immediate its influence. On the other hand, a distant card may indicate more remote events, either in time or impact.

Although this method is particularly effective in spreads like the Grand Tableau, it is often overlooked today in favor of more modern techniques, such as interpreting card combinations or relative positions (left, right, top, bottom). However, the "near / far" method remains a relevant tool for those seeking an overall view, especially for complex and detailed questions. It also offers a temporal dimension to interpretation, helping to understand not only what influences the current situation, but how those influences evolve over time.

The importance of distance in interpretation

The central concept of this method is that the physical proximity of the cards to the Significator represents their symbolic proximity in the querent's life. For example:

  • A card close to the Significator might indicate an imminent event or a present influence in the querent's life.
  • A distant card might indicate a future event or influence, or something less relevant to the current situation.

However, it is crucial to understand that distance should not be interpreted in isolation. It must be related to the surrounding cards, the overall spread, and the question asked.

Advantages of the "near / far" method

  • Temporal clarity: This method adds a temporal dimension, allowing one to visualize influences that may be immediate or delayed in time.
  • Visual simplicity: By simply relying on the physical distance of the cards, this method offers a clear and intuitive reading of the spread, especially in complex spreads like the Grand Tableau.
  • Complement to modern methods: It enriches modern interpretation techniques, such as those based on the position of the cards (left/right/top/bottom). Together, these approaches offer a more complete view of the situation.

Drawbacks to consider

One of the main challenges of the "near / far" method is defining exactly what "close" or "distant" means. In a complex spread like the Grand Tableau, how many cards must separate the Significator from another card for it to be considered distant?

It is generally recommended to:

  • Consider a card close if it is located 1 or 2 positions away from the Significator (the cards are adjacent or separated by only one position).
  • Consider a card distant if it is located 4 or 5 positions or more away.

These criteria help avoid ambiguity in interpreting distances. However, it's important to maintain some flexibility and use intuition to adjust these thresholds depending on the context of the spread and the surrounding cards.

Example of use in the Grand Tableau

Let's take an example: if the Significator is the Man card, and the Sun card (success, achievement) is 2 positions away, this indicates that success is near, and therefore, the querent's efforts will soon bear fruit. However, if the Sun card is 6 positions away or more, it suggests that success will come later or is still difficult to achieve at this stage.

Proximity and influence

In addition to distance, it is essential to combine the interpretation of card proximity with other modern methods, such as reading card combinations. This enriches the reading and provides a more complete view. For example, if the Bear card (power, luxury) and the Book card (secrets, knowledge) are close to the Letter Significator (here the Will) concerning a question about inheritance after a death. The Bear + Book combination reinforces the idea that the will contains the transmission of wealth (Bear) that was previously unknown (Book). One could imagine a property (Bear) that the heirs were not aware of (Book).

In summary, the concept of the "near / far" method is based on the symbolic distance between the cards and the Significator, adding a "temporal dimension" and "power of influence" to the interpretation. Although its use has evolved, it remains particularly effective for spreads like the Grand Tableau or situations requiring an overall view.


Interpreting distances

Card Interpretation if near Interpretation if far
1 - Rider Good news Message from far away
2 - Clover Good luck or short-lived negativity Neutral
3 - Ship Travel or business Neutral
4 - House Improves the future Neutral
5 - Tree Vitality, desires fulfilled Health problems
6 - Clouds Reduces intensity if on the left, obscures the future if on the right Neutral
7 - Snake Hypocrisy, betrayal Neutral
8 - Coffin Illness or bad luck Neutral
9 - Bouquet Brings joy, gratitude, and recognition Neutral
10 - Scythe Beware of danger Neutral
11 - Whip Disputes, sorrows, health issues Neutral
12 - Birds Temporary setbacks Travel, freedom
13 - Child Good relationships Neutral
14 - Fox Biased or self-serving relationships Neutral
15 - Bear Happiness if kept away from envy Neutral
16 - Star Hope and success Distant goal
17 - Stork Move or change Delayed travel
18 - Dog Friendship and fidelity Neutral
19 - Tower Good days ahead Neutral
20 - Garden Good public relations False friendships
21 - Mountain Significant obstacles Long-lasting support
22 - Path Hard choices Solution to the problem
23 - Mice Minor deterioration, lost or stolen item found Irreparable loss
24 - Heart Happy relationships Neutral
25 - Ring Strong alliance (on the right) Breakup (on the left)
26 - Book Secret or unknown information requiring caution Neutral
27 - Letter Good news if Clouds are absent Out of sight, out of mind
28 - Man Influence of nearby cards Neutral
29 - Woman Influence of nearby cards Neutral
30 - Lilies Altruism (above), selfishness (below) Neutral
31 - Sun Success and happiness unless covered by Clouds Nothing is certain or guaranteed
32 - Moon Ensures recognition Misfortune and bad luck
33 - Key The solution is within reach Unsolvable problem
34 - Fish Brings good fortune Vain effort, failure
35 - Anchor All undertaken actions reach their goal Stubbornness in error
36 - Cross Short-term misfortune Long and challenging ordeal

Practical Exercise: The 9-Card Cross Spread

Practical Exercise: The 9-Card Cross Spread

To practice using the "near / far" method, I suggest an exercise based on a 9-card cross spread. This simple spread helps you understand how to interpret close and distant influences in a structured framework while applying the principles of card distance.

How to perform the spread?

  • Shuffle the Petit Lenormand deck while focusing on a specific question or situation you want to clarify.
  • Draw 9 cards and arrange them in a cross shape as follows:
    - Place 5 cards horizontally.
    - Place 4 cards vertically (the center card being shared by both lines).
  • Interpret the cards:
    - The central card (position 3) represents the Significator, that is, the main subject or person concerned by the question asked.
    - The 4 adjacent cards (positions 2, 4, 7, 8) represent close influences. These are the elements that directly influence the situation or are immediately connected to the querent.
    - The 4 cards on the edges (positions 1, 5, 6, 9) represent distant influences. They symbolize events further away in time or less immediate influences that play a role in the medium or long term.

Example of Interpretation

Let's take an example with the question "What should be the content of my first course in the screenwriting module?" where you have drawn the following cards:

  • Central card: The Moon.
  • Close (cards 2, 3, 4, 6):
    - Tower (authority, height),
    - Snake (betrayal, complexity),
    - Star (hope, guidance),
    - Anchor (stability, solidity).
  • Distant (cards 5, 7, 8, 9):
    - Child (joy, innocence),
    - Fox (caution, prudence),
    - Clouds (confusion),
    - Mountain (obstacles, delay).

The card of the Moon suggests that the teacher should focus on the notions of creativity and imagination related to screenwriting. It may also be possible to consider working on the introspection needed for writing, or on inner blockages such as writer's block.

You can combine the "near / far" method with the card combination method, pairing the cards together.

For the close cards: Tower + Snake indicate that you should prioritize addressing the complexity of writing, taking a higher perspective, and positioning yourself as an authority figure through your experience. Star + Anchor: to avoid drowning in the complexity of writing, it's important to stay grounded by giving clear direction to your imagination. Focusing on a general direction is a solid approach to facing the challenge that writing complexity poses.

For the distant cards: Clouds + Mountain suggest that in the second part of the first course, you should continue discussing the obstacles related to confusion due to an overly fertile imagination (Significator The Moon), and perhaps navigate this difficulty by organizing your ideas. Child + Fox may evoke two interpretations: either you need to be cautious of overly spontaneous writing without reflection, or conversely, you should embrace writing, not be afraid, and approach the creative process with spontaneity and joy. Considering The Moon as the Significator and given that Tower (organization) and Snake (complexity) are "close" (therefore, priorities), the best choice for Child + Fox is likely to be cautious of "creative impulses" and "immature ideas," and focus primarily on grounding yourself (Anchor) to find true meaning (Star) deep within (Moon).

This interpretation, outlined in a few lines, helps develop a pedagogical structure for the screenwriting course. Note how the "close" cards have more impact and guide the "distant" cards. See how the Significator card is central and provides direction for interpreting the "close" cards. Thus, we have a hierarchy: "Significator card" ➡ "close cards" ➡ "distant cards."

Interpreting the distances

In this exercise, the key lies in interpreting the distances:

  • The Significator card gives the general idea of the spread and helps focus on a specific aspect.
  • The close cards describe the elements that immediately influence this aspect, which should be considered as priorities.
  • The distant cards help to understand the scope of the Significator, with more diffuse or delayed influences.

This exercise is ideal for readers wanting to understand how the "near / far" method can nuance and enrich card interpretation in a Petit Lenormand spread.


Common Mistakes to Avoid

Using the "near / far" method in Petit Lenormand can be powerful, but some common mistakes may distort the interpretation of spreads. The key is to stay flexible in your approach and adapt the reading according to the overall context and energy of the spread. Here are some pitfalls to avoid to use this method optimally:

1. Overinterpreting the card distances / Ignoring other interpretation methods

One frequent mistake is to focus solely on the distance between the Significator and the other cards, without considering the overall context of the spread. Distance is an indicator, but it shouldn't be the only criterion for interpretation. For example, a distant card doesn't necessarily mean its influence is negligible. It's important to read the cards in relation to each other and not overlook the meanings that combinations can offer.

3. Not adjusting the definition of "close" and "distant" (according to the spread size)

It can be tempting to apply strict rules to define what is close or distant, but this can sometimes limit the interpretation. The "near / far" method is particularly suited for larger spreads, like the Grand Tableau, where card distances are well marked. For smaller spreads, such as the 9-card cross spread, as we saw, the distance is more subtle, and more attention should be given to card positions than their physical distance.

4. Forgetting the time aspect

The "near / far" method is an excellent way to introduce a temporal dimension into your spreads, but it's important not to interpret this dimension too rigidly. Distant cards don't always mean a far-off future, but they can represent aspects still developing or not yet prioritized. Similarly, a close card doesn't necessarily indicate an immediate event. Keep in mind that distance can also symbolize the intensity of influences, rather than just time.

6. Confusing distance with negativity

Another common mistake is to automatically associate distant cards with negative influences. For example, considering the Heart in a relationship reading as less important because it's distant would be a misunderstanding of the method. The Heart still has an impact, but its influence is either more subtle or something that will come later in the development of the situation. Distance is about the level of immediacy or intensity, not the quality of the influence.


The "near / far" method is part of the traditional tools of Petit Lenormand that enriches the interpretation of readings by adding a dimension of temporal distance and impact on the Significator. Although it is sometimes less used today in favor of modern methods like card combinations, relative positions to the Significator, or the "Houses", it remains a tool not to be overlooked in complex readings like the Grand Tableau.

This method allows you to visualize how immediate and distant influences interact around the querent (or the Significator card). By mastering it, you can not only understand current events but also anticipate those that will happen later.

However, it requires practice and some flexibility in interpreting distances, depending on the context of the reading. Although less complex than some techniques like interpreting the values and colors of the cards, the "near / far" method still requires rigor to avoid the classic traps of overinterpretation or isolating the cards.

In the end, this method is a complementary approach to other Petit Lenormand interpretation techniques. Personally, I use the "near" / "far" distances when I have doubts about other classic methods. For example, I looked at the 8 cards around the Significator, I evaluated its horizontal and vertical lines, with it being the center. All this using combinations and relative positions. If despite all this, I still feel uncertain, then I look at the cards challenging the Significator and consider their proximity/distance to confirm or invalidate my interpretation of the situation.

To further your discovery of the Petit Lenormand, I invite you to read my next article =

[✊ Learn Petit Lenormand : Spread the Petit Lenormand (6/7) ! ✊]


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