
Petit Lenormand: How to Use Colors and Values for Accurate Readings


The use of colors and values in the Petit Lenormand can enrich your readings by adding subtle nuances to your interpretations. Although this approach is sometimes underestimated, it offers new perspectives for understanding external or emotional influences in a reading. In this article, we will explore how to take advantage of these aspects to refine your answers while avoiding common mistakes.

This article is part of a series dedicated to learning the Petit Lenormand:

Coherence between the Symbolism of Petit Lenormand, Cartomancy, and Tarot

Coherence between the Symbolism of Petit Lenormand, Cartomancy, and Tarot

About Colors

In Tarot, the Latin suits carry well-established elemental symbols:

  • Deniers (Earth – material needs),
  • Bâtons (Fire – desire and action),
  • Epées (Air – thought, intellect),
  • Coupes (Water – emotions, feelings).

These suits can be linked to the French colors in cartomancy:

  • Deniers → Diamonds,
  • Bâtons → Clubs,
  • Epées → Spades,
  • Coupes → Hearts.

However, the Lenormand system does not follow this symbolic logic. The colors of the cards in the Petit Lenormand do not directly correspond to the symbolism of the suits in the Marseille Tarot. For example, the 8 of Diamonds card, which should symbolize Earth (material needs, stability) in cartomancy, is associated in the Petit Lenormand with concepts of intelligence and secrets (The Book), elements closer to the Air element (Swords). The The Book card should therefore be more related to Spades rather than Diamonds.

About Values

The same challenge arises with the values of the cards. It is difficult to find a coherent correspondence with Tarot.

In Tarot, the King represents a manager, a leader, an authority figure. Yet, in the Petit Lenormand, the King of Clubs (Clouds) speaks more of confusion and obstacles. These notions are far from the patriarchal role played by the King in Tarot.
Similarly, the Pip cards 10 in the Marseille Tarot convey ideas of inheritance, transmission, or a complete cycle, while the Dog card (10 of Hearts) in the Petit Lenormand speaks of loyalty, friendship, and fidelity. These symbols differ considerably, making any attempt at exact correspondence difficult.

My Point of View

It is complex to find a coherent structure between the colors and values of the Petit Lenormand and those of Tarot or traditional French cartomancy. Why? Because the Petit Lenormand was not created to maintain such symbolic coherence.

The naming of the cards, such as Rider, Clover, Ship, etc., seems to have been done randomly, without the concern of following a structured logic. Some colors, like Hearts, are associated with positive notions, while Clubs are often perceived more negatively. The values also follow a curious distribution, with the Ace of Hearts representing the Man, and the Ace of Spades representing the Woman, as one could have chosen a Queen for the card 29 - The Woman, and a King for the card 28 - the Man.

In the end, it is difficult to draw a systematic parallel between the color or value of a card and its interpretation in the Petit Lenormand. For example, the Clouds card evokes troubles, while the King of Clubs represents the management of desires in Tarot, creating a significant gap.

Of course, one could try to detach from the symbolism of Tarot to adopt the interpretation of traditional cartomancy (different from my interpretation grid of the Marseille Tarot), but this complicates things even more, especially if we consider the variations between French and German cartomancy traditions. For example, in French cartomancy, Spades are always perceived negatively, as bearers of difficulties or obstacles, whereas in the Petit Lenormand, the Queen of Spades is associated with the positive Bouquet card. This contrast reflects well the differences in interpretation between the two systems (Petit Lenormand 🔀 Traditional Cartomancy).

Finally, German cartomancy also differs from French cartomancy. In the German tradition, it is the Clubs that have a more negative connotation than the Spades, which corresponds more to the logic of the Petit Lenormand. This shows that the Petit Lenormand system is probably of German origin and not French.

Authors like Caitlin Matthews have tried to structure the Petit Lenormand. For example, she suggests that the square of the four Aces represents creation: the Sun (Ace of Diamonds), the Lady (Ace of Spades), the Man (Ace of Hearts), and the Ring (Ace of Clubs). Similarly, she suggests that the square of the four Kings represents the 4 elements: Fish (King of Diamonds ➡ Water), Lily (King of Spades ➡ Fire), Clouds (King of Clubs ➡ Air), and House (King of Hearts ➡ Earth). But these structures remain quite subjective and do not convince me.

In conclusion, it is difficult to find a coherent structure, so the Petit Lenormand offers us a certain freedom of interpretation of colors and values. As practitioners, we must learn to innovate and adapt our reading of colors and values according to our own experience.


Different Methods of Using Colors and Values

Methods of Using Colors:

  • Combining Colors: Colors can be associated to reveal specific nuances in the reading. For example, a Heart card (emotions) combined with a Club card (challenges) can symbolize a conflict between emotions and necessities. It is advisable to always observe these interactions to capture the underlying dynamics.
  • Predominance of Colors: When a color frequently repeats in a reading, it can indicate the dominant tone of the situation. For example, if most of the cards are Hearts, it could signal that the emotional aspect plays a central role in the situation.
  • Balance of Colors: A reading where the colors are balanced (Hearts, Spades, Clubs, Diamonds) can indicate harmony in the analyzed situation. Conversely, a dominance of a single color can reveal tensions or imbalances. If one color dominates, it is useful to ask which aspect of life is out of balance.
  • Using Colors to Identify Themes: Each color can be associated with a particular life domain. Hearts represent relationships and emotions, Clubs material challenges, Diamonds work and enterprises, and Spades thoughts and mental challenges. This approach allows structuring readings according to specific domains.

Methods of Using Card Values:

  • Predominance of Values: If certain values like Aces appear frequently, it can indicate beginnings or new ideas. Conversely, a predominance of Kings could signal situations where authority, leadership, or consolidation are central concerns.
  • Using Values to Identify Stages: Each value represents a stage in a process. For example, Aces symbolize beginnings, while Kings often indicate completion or mastery. This approach allows analyzing where the querent is in a cycle.

Methods of Using Combined Colors and Values:

  • Analyzing Colors and Values: By combining the color and value of a card, a more nuanced view of the situation can be obtained. For example, a Heart card with a King value could represent a situation where emotions and authority are at play, such as a leader who must manage an emotional relationship.
  • Using Colors to Nuance Values: Colors can enrich the interpretation of a value. An Ace of Hearts could symbolize the beginning of a love story, while an Ace of Clubs could represent a new challenge or financial opportunity.
  • Using Values to Nuance Colors: Similarly, values can nuance colors. A Heart associated with a King value can signal a situation where love and authority are linked, while a Heart with a Jack value could indicate a young relationship or a situation marked by innocence.
WARNING: The following interpretations are the result of personal research. I am not convinced by the interpretations of traditional French cartomancy and even those of Etteilla or other contemporary authors. Readers interested in these interpretations should consult my next article where I compile the traditional interpretation grid of colors and values.


Meaning of Colors

I have outlined the meaning of each color by trying to find common keywords for all the cards within each color.

  • Spades (Lady, Lily, Bouquet, Child, Ship, Anchor, Garden, Letter, Tower): social structure, communication, and establishing connections.
  • Clubs (Ring, Clouds, Snake, Whip, Bear, Fox, Mountain, Mice, Cross): challenges, trials, and obstacles to overcome, often associated with complex relationships and compromises.
  • Diamonds (Sun, Fish, Paths, Scythe, Book, Coffin, Key, Birds, Clover): achievement, decision-making, and opening up to new perspectives, as well as aspects related to transformation and the end of important cycles.
  • Hearts (Man, House, Stork, Heart, Dog, Rider, Moon, Tree, Star): love, harmonious relationships, change and personal growth, including elements of guidance and emotional protection.

Combining Colors

In a Petit Lenormand reading, interpreting colors adds nuances that complement the main message of the cards. Here is a grid to interpret color combinations, considering the meanings we have attributed to each color (Spades, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds).

Combination Interpretation
Heart + Spade An emotional or affective bond confronts social obligations or established rules. This combination can indicate a tension between the desire to follow one's heart and the need to respect social conventions or external commitments.
Heart + Diamond A harmonious balance between love, emotional relationships, and crucial decision-making. This combination can indicate that feelings will guide important decisions towards a positive outcome.
Heart + Club Emotional challenges or difficulties in romantic relationships. Current obstacles may require extra effort to maintain harmony or overcome trials.
Diamond + Club The trials or obstacles encountered are related to important decisions to be made or ongoing transformations. This combination suggests that challenges must be faced to allow positive evolution or the achievement of a goal.
Spade + Club Complex situations related to social constraints or complicated relationships. This duo highlights the challenges imposed by social structures, creating obstacles to overcome before moving forward smoothly.
Spade + Diamond Social obligations and necessary transformations. This combination shows that rigid rules or structures can be disrupted by sudden changes or decisions that need to be made quickly.
Diamond + Spade + Heart A transformation or end of a cycle in personal life that leads to social restructuring or a change in emotional relationships. It is about reevaluating priorities in personal interactions.
Club + Spade + Heart An emotional challenge, influenced by social expectations and complex relationships. This can indicate obstacles in relationships that require deep reflection before finding a solution.
Diamond + Club + Heart A period of transformation where challenges must be overcome to achieve emotional harmony. This combination shows that current trials will lead to a positive resolution in the emotional realm.

Using this interpretation grid can help you identify important nuances in your readings by analyzing how colors interact to reveal specific dynamics between challenges, relationships, and personal growth.


Combining Values: Pairs

The number Two symbolizes duality, balance, collaboration, and receptivity. For each combination, we will seek to understand how these qualities manifest in the interaction of the two cards based on their values (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace).

Combination with the value 6

Confirmed Duality or Opposition: Cards with the value 6 (Tower, Star, Cross, Clover) bring structure and a solid foundation. In pairs, the interpretation may indicate a need to balance opposing forces in a stable environment or to collaborate to build something lasting.
Example: Tower + Clover → The opportunity (Clover) to solidify (Tower) a partnership or project.

Combination with the value 7

Fluid Duality in Exchange: Cards with the value 7 (Letter, Tree, Mice, Birds) are linked to communication and flexibility. In pairs, this reflects a collaboration or choice that requires fluid exchange and decision-making based on communication.
Example: Letter + Birds → Open and important discussion to resolve a dilemma or establish a compromise.

Combination with the value 8

Balance Threatened by Obstacles: Cards with the value 8 (Garden, Mountain, Moon, Key) can show challenges or important revelations. The duality in this pair can represent a balance between challenge and success, or a collaboration to overcome obstacles.
Example: Mountain + Key → Overcoming a blockage (Mountain) through a solution found in partnership (Key).

Combination with the value 9

Collaboration for Transformation: Cards with the value 9 (Anchor, Rider, Fox, Coffin) speak of transformation or movement. The pair may indicate a need to work together to navigate change or find balance in a shifting situation.
Example: Coffin + Anchor → A stable or anchored transformation (Coffin), requiring compromises to accept it.

Combination with the value 10

Partnership to Achieve Goals: Cards with the value 10 (Ship, Dog, Bear, Book) bring aspects of achievement, expansion, or power. This can represent a partnership aimed at accomplishing an important goal, where each party provides support or expertise.
Example: Ship + Dog → Expansion or a journey (Ship) facilitated by the loyalty and support of an ally (Dog).

Combination with the value Jack

Duality between Innocence and Conflict: Cards with the value Jack (Child, Heart, Whip, Scythe) are linked to youth, innocence, or conflicts. In pairs, they can indicate a fragile beginning or a collaboration that might be tested by tensions or uncertainties.
Example: Whip + Heart → A collaboration (2) may be disrupted by conflicts (Whip), but with a chance of reconciliation through affection (Heart).

Combination with the value Queen

Receptivity to Change: Cards with the value Queen (Bouquet, Stork, Snake, Paths) are associated with transformations and subtle choices. A pair of Queens could indicate that collaboration or duality brings changes and opportunities for personal growth.
Example: Stork + Paths → A choice (Paths) that requires openness to change (Stork) to advance a relationship or project.

Combination with the value King

Balance and Power: Cards with the value King (Lily, House, Clouds, Fish) speak of power and stability. A pair involving these cards could illustrate a balance of forces or cooperation to maintain or regulate power in a given situation.
Example: House + Lily → The balance between authority (Lily) and protection (House) in a relationship or environment.

Combination with the value Ace

Duality and Leadership: Cards with the value Ace (Man, Lady, Ring, Sun) are often associated with independence and leadership. In combination, this can symbolize a collaboration or decision where each plays a leadership role in specific areas.
Example: Sun + Ring → A relationship or partnership (Ring) illuminated by personal success and leadership (Sun).


In this interpretation grid, each card combination explores how the duality of the number Two interacts with the card values to offer interpretation insights. Each pair highlights a balance or collaboration that shapes the overall reading interpretation.


Combining Values: Triplets

Here is an interpretation grid for using values through a triplet combination (3 cards) in a Petit Lenormand reading, using the symbolism of the number Three and the card values (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace) already analyzed. The number Three represents creation, progression, and expansion, highlighting a movement towards achieving something from an idea or decision.

Combination with the value 6

Creation through Stability and Structure: Cards with the value 6 (Tower, Star, Cross, Clover) provide a solid foundation and framework for progression. A triplet with these cards may indicate progress based on well-established elements, requiring structured steps to reach a broader goal.
Example: Tower + Clover + Star → The creation of a new project (3) is facilitated by unexpected opportunities (Clover) and a clear vision (Star), provided it is well-structured (Tower).

Combination with the value 7

Progress through Communication and Flexibility: Cards with the value 7 (Letter, Tree, Mice, Birds) focus on communication, interactions, and adaptability. A triplet here may indicate that the success of evolution depends on openness to discussion and fluid communication to overcome challenges.
Example: Letter + Birds + Tree → An evolution (3) based on a key conversation (Letter), where flexibility and clarity (Birds) play a crucial role in long-term growth (Tree).

Combination with the value 8

Path through Obstacles and Revelations: Cards with the value 8 (Garden, Mountain, Moon, Key) speak of challenges to overcome or discoveries that illuminate the path. A triplet with these cards suggests that a creation or project progresses despite (or thanks to) revealing obstacles that clarify the path to success.
Example: Mountain + Key + Moon → The creation (3) goes through significant challenges (Mountain), but an inspiring solution (Key) helps overcome these obstacles for an emotional or intuitive revelation (Moon).

Combination with the value 9

Transformation and Movement towards Progress: Cards with the value 9 (Anchor, Rider, Fox, Coffin) focus on movement, transformation, and changes. The triplet here represents progress that requires adapting to major changes or transforming the situation through active dynamics.
Example: Rider + Fox + Coffin → Rapid evolution (Rider) that requires caution and cunning (Fox), leading to a transformation or end (Coffin) allowing a new beginning.

Combination with the value 10

Achievement of Expansion or Ambition: Cards with the value 10 (Ship, Dog, Bear, Book) symbolize accomplishments, project realization, or significant expansion. A triplet with these cards represents solid progress towards an ambitious goal through loyalty, power, or accumulated knowledge.
Example: Ship + Bear + Book → Expansion or ambition (Ship) materializes through mastery of a field (Bear) and deep knowledge or learning (Book).

Combination with the value Jack

Evolution through Youth or Conflict: Cards with the value Jack (Child, Heart, Whip, Scythe) indicate a birth or new beginning, but also tensions or conflicts. The triplet with these cards could show a nascent project or situation, where conflicts must be resolved to progress.
Example: Child + Heart + Scythe → A new beginning (Child) or developing relationship (Heart) is in danger of being prematurely cut off (Scythe), requiring special attention to avoid mistakes.

Combination with the value Queen

Growth and Transformation to Foster Change: Cards with the value Queen (Bouquet, Stork, Snake, Paths) are associated with transformations, choices, and subtle opportunities. A triplet here reflects progress based on personal or external transformations, with a need for critical choices for growth.
Example: Stork + Snake + Paths → A progressive and complex change (Stork) that requires an important decision (Paths) to create a positive outcome.

Combination with the value King

Power and Leadership to Evolve: Cards with the value King (Lily, House, Clouds, Fish) are linked to authority, power, and stability. A triplet with these cards shows that progress towards a goal is supported by power and stability, but may also require clarity in the face of temporary confusions.
Example: Lily + House + Clouds → Progress (3) is favored by authority or protection (House + Lily), but temporary uncertainties (Clouds) must be cleared before moving forward.

Combination with the value Ace

Creation and Leadership to Achieve Goals: Cards with the value Ace (Man, Lady, Ring, Sun) represent leadership, success, and strong commitments. A triplet with these cards highlights evolution towards a personal or collective goal through bold decisions and firm commitments.
Example: Ring + Sun + Man → A relationship or project (Ring) is illuminated by leadership and clarity (Sun), probably initiated by an influential person (Man or Lady).


This interpretation grid for triplets in the Petit Lenormand, with the symbolism of the number Three, highlights how progression, creation, and expansion manifest according to the card values. Each combination helps understand the dynamics at play and the essential elements influencing the evolution of a situation or project in a reading.


Combining Values: Squares

Here is an interpretation grid for using values through a square combination (4 cards) in a Petit Lenormand reading, using the symbolism of the number Four and the card values (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace). The number Four represents stability, construction, determination, and laying solid foundations to achieve a goal.

Combination with the value 6

Stability in Organization and Foundations: Cards with the value 6 (Tower, Star, Cross, Clover) bring elements of structure, luck, and divine guidance. A square formed with these cards indicates that evolution rests on solid foundations but may involve spiritual or organizational challenges.
Example: Tower + Clover + Star + Cross → Progress requires proper structuring (Tower), while being open to lucky opportunities (Clover) and following a clear vision (Star), despite necessary trials or sacrifices (Cross).

Combination with the value 7

Balanced Communication and Interactions: Cards with the value 7 (Letter, Tree, Mice, Birds) represent communication, personal growth, and social interactions. A square here could reflect solid foundations based on the importance of communication, where stability is achieved through exchange and adaptability.
Example: Letter + Tree + Mice + Birds → Building a stable situation (4) requires clear exchanges (Letter), personal growth (Tree), avoiding losses or distractions (Mice), with attention to adaptability and lightness in exchanges (Birds).

Combination with the value 8

Resolution through Challenges and Clarity: Cards with the value 8 (Garden, Mountain, Moon, Key) symbolize both external challenges and enlightening solutions. A square with these cards emphasizes stable progress built on the ability to resolve concrete obstacles or achieve a deep understanding of hidden elements.
Example: Mountain + Key + Garden + Moon → Stability is achieved by facing major obstacles (Mountain) and finding a solution or key (Key) that illuminates the situation (Moon) while being open to external or social opportunities (Garden).

Combination with the value 9

Transformation through Movement and Change: Cards with the value 9 (Anchor, Rider, Fox, Coffin) are associated with movements, adaptations, and deep transformations. A square here reflects a stable but constantly evolving construction, where adaptability is essential to maintain balance.
Example: Rider + Fox + Anchor + Coffin → Stability (4) relies on quick actions (Rider), cunning or caution (Fox), while finding a solid anchor (Anchor) in the face of a major transformation or necessary end (Coffin).

Combination with the value 10

Ambition Leading to Achievement: Cards with the value 10 (Ship, Dog, Bear, Book) symbolize expansion, loyalty, and knowledge. A square formed with these cards illustrates the creation of solid foundations to succeed and achieve ambitious goals through loyalty and knowledge.
Example: Ship + Bear + Book + Dog → A stable foundation (4) is built by expanding new horizons (Ship), power and authority (Bear), deep knowledge (Book), and the loyalty of close ones (Dog).

Combination with the value Jack

Conflicts Leading to New Construction through (Re-)Birth: Cards with the value Jack (Child, Heart, Whip, Scythe) symbolize beginnings, but also necessary conflicts or cuts. A square formed here highlights a nascent situation, where challenges and tensions must be faced to build a stable foundation.
Example: Child + Heart + Scythe + Whip → A new beginning (Child) or relationship (Heart) requires cutting away what no longer serves (Scythe), facing conflicts directly (Whip) to build new stability.

Combination with the value Queen

Anchored and Firm Choices Leading to Transformation and Change: Cards with the value Queen (Bouquet, Stork, Snake, Paths) are oriented towards changes, choices, and subtle opportunities. A square with these cards reflects progress based on delicate transformations and important choices to establish stability.
Example: Stork + Snake + Paths + Bouquet → An evolutionary change (Stork) involves complex choices (Snake) and important decisions (Paths), leading to gratifying or joyful stability (Bouquet).

Combination with the value King

Power and Organization Led with Stability and Authority: Cards with the value King (Lily, House, Clouds, Fish) represent authority, protection, and power. A square with these cards illustrates a stable foundation built on power and authority, even while going through periods of uncertainty.
Example: Lily + House + Fish + Clouds → Stability is built through a figure of authority or protection (Lily + House) and an abundance of resources (Fish), even if moments of confusion or temporary uncertainty (Clouds) may arise.

Combination with the value Ace

Will and Commitment Leading to Creation: Cards with the value Ace (Man, Lady, Ring, Sun) symbolize achievement, success, and commitment. A square formed with these cards indicates that stability rests on firm decisions, clear commitment, and strong will.
Example: Ring + Sun + Man + Lady → Stability (4) is created through a solid commitment (Ring) illuminated by great clarity (Sun), reinforced by key figures (Man and Lady) who bring leadership and support.


This interpretation grid for squares in the Petit Lenormand, using the symbolism of the number Four, highlights how stability, structure, and lasting construction rely on the different card values. Each square forms a solid foundation for the evolution or progression of a situation, depending on the energies and influences specific to each card combination.


Keywords for the 36 cards of the Petit Lenormand to slip into your favorite deck. Your leaflet always with you, at hand, to guide you in your readings 👍 Thanks to it, your interpretations gain in richness and subtlety 😉

[📜 Download the free PDF of keywords to print, cut, and fold! 📜]


Yes or No Reading Method

Yes or No Reading Method

Here is a simple and effective method to get a nuanced answer to a closed question (Yes/No) using the colors of the Petit Lenormand cards. This 3-card spread will give you a detailed answer, ranging from "No" to "Yes", with intermediate nuances like "Maybe".


  • Formulate the question: Ask a question that calls for a Yes or No answer. It can concern any area of your life (love, work, etc.).
  • Draw 3 cards: Shuffle your deck and draw 3 cards in a row, which you will place face up in front of you.
  • Interpretation of colors: Each card color will have a defined value in terms of response:
    - Clubs: NO
    - Spades: Maybe NO
    - Diamonds: Maybe YES
    - Hearts: YES
  • Summing up the answers: To determine the final answer, you will need to sum up the value of the 3 drawn cards:
    - If the majority of the cards are Clubs or Spades, the answer will lean towards No.
    - If the majority of the cards are Hearts or Diamonds, the answer will be closer to Yes.
    - An equal distribution of colors will give you a Maybe, indicating an uncertain or evolving situation.

Example of interpretation:

  • If you draw a Club, a Diamond, and a Heart, the answer will be rather Yes (because two out of three cards lean towards a positive answer).
  • If you draw two Spades and a Heart, it indicates a Maybe NO, the situation remaining unclear but leaning more towards a negative outcome.

This method not only allows you to get a simple answer but also to nuance your interpretation according to the colors of the cards, while giving you a more detailed view of the situation.


Practical Exercise

Practical Exercise

To facilitate learning, here is a practical exercise: Perform a spread of 2 rows of three cards, paying attention to colors and values. Try to combine these two aspects to interpret the situation. Note how the colors interact with each other and which values dominate the spread.

Two-Row Spread Method

Function of the Rows:

  • Top Row (cards 1, 2, 3): represents visible or conscious energies. It reflects the dominant elements of the situation, those that are easily perceptible by the person.
  • Bottom Row (cards 4, 5, 6): represents hidden or unconscious energies. It indicates the underlying factors that influence the situation without being immediately visible.

Example of Interpretation:

Interpreting the colors (Spades, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds) helps understand the dominant themes in the spread (e.g., Hearts for emotions, Clubs for challenges, etc.), while the values (6, 7, 8, etc.) indicate the level or intensity of the energies.

Love Spread Mode:

(top row)

  • Position 1: The querent's current emotional state.
  • Position 2: The dynamic in the romantic relationship or emotional bond.
  • Position 3: Visible actions or upcoming events in the relationship.

(bottom row)

  • Position 4: The querent's unconscious fears or desires.
  • Position 5: Hidden influences in the relationship (such as unspoken behaviors or feelings).
  • Position 6: Possible outcomes or hidden trends influencing the romantic future.

Professional Spread Mode:

(top row)

  • Position 1: The current professional situation (ongoing work, responsibilities).
  • Position 2: The relationship with colleagues or superiors.
  • Position 3: Visible professional opportunities or challenges.

(bottom row)

  • Position 4: Hidden insecurities or aspirations related to work.
  • Position 5: Unconscious influences or factors the querent is unaware of (tensions in the team or internal blockages).
  • Position 6: Hidden prospects for professional development or upcoming trends.


Intuitive Practice: Start by observing the predominance of colors (e.g., many Hearts -> a situation centered on emotions) before diving into the interpretation of values.

Comparison of Rows: Compare visible and hidden energies. For example, if the first row shows Hearts (emotion) and the second row shows Spades (rational thoughts), there may be an unconscious emotional conflict.

Another Method Idea: Use a variant where each position represents another dimension:

  • Me / Our relationship / Him or her
  • Internal attitudes / External relationships / Recommended action
  • What I have learned / What I want / Where I am going
  • Conflict / Compromise / Ideal solution

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When working with the colors and values of the Petit Lenormand cards, it is easy to make certain interpretation mistakes. Here are common pitfalls to avoid:

1. Overly Attaching to Tarot Symbolism

Many practitioners, especially those with Tarot experience, tend to automatically transpose Tarot symbolism to Petit Lenormand cards. For example, associating Spades with intellect and Hearts with love. However, the Petit Lenormand has its own interpretation system that differs from Tarot. Avoid confusing the systems and respect the specifics of each method.

2. Forgetting the Simplicity of the Petit Lenormand

The Petit Lenormand is a much more direct deck than other divinatory systems. Seeking overly complex or sophisticated meanings for colors or values can lead to interpretation errors. Stay true to the simple and pragmatic approach of the Petit Lenormand. Each card should be interpreted in a clear and direct context.

3. Neglecting the Importance of Context

Colors and values should always be interpreted within the context of the overall spread and not in isolation. For example, if a majority of Heart cards appear, it is tempting to think that love or emotions are predominant. But it is essential to consider the surrounding cards and the context of the entire spread to avoid biased interpretations.

4. Forcing Coherence with Card Values

It can be tempting to want to assign precise meanings to values (King, Ace, 10, etc.) in the manner of traditional cartomancy systems. However, values in the Petit Lenormand do not always follow a strict logic as in other forms of divination. For example, a King in the Lenormand does not always symbolize an authority figure or power, and an Ace does not necessarily mean a new beginning.


In learning the Petit Lenormand, interpreting the colors and values of the cards is often seen as an optional complement. Personally, it's an aspect I use less frequently compared to more structured techniques like the "Houses" or the "near and far" method. This preference is due to the lack of coherence of colors and values in this deck, compared to other divinatory systems like Tarot. The Petit Lenormand is a divination system in its own right, with its own rules and symbols, and trying to associate it with Tarot or French cartomancy can be counterproductive. Personally, coming from the Marseille Tarot where I built a solid and coherent grid about Pip cards and court cards, I struggle with the interpretations provided by the tradition of French cartomancy and even those given by Etteilla. The cards of the Petit Lenormand do not offer a remarkable structure of colors and values, simply because it was not intended.

The Petit Lenormand, especially in the Grand Tableau spread, does not naturally lend itself to the use of color combinations or multiples (pairs, triplets, quads), which become less relevant when using all the cards in a single spread. The interpretation of colors and values serves more as a "bonus" or "backup", a way to add nuance to the interpretation when other methods are not enough to clarify a situation.

However, it is important not to underestimate their usefulness. Colors and values can enrich the reading in shorter spreads or situations where the reader seeks additional precision. The YES/NO spread above is a very good example of the opportunity to use colors very effectively.

Even if they are less relevant in a Grand Tableau, colors and values can be more effective in thematic or smaller spreads, such as the 3 or 6 card spread. Testing these elements in specific spreads can help see how they nuance the overall interpretation.

Although I prefer other more structured methods in my readings, especially with the Grand Tableau, I recognize the interest of interpreting colors and values, especially for beginners or in shorter spreads. Colors and values are tools that, when used well, can add depth to a reading without overloading the interpretation. As with everything in the Petit Lenormand, the key is to know when and how to use them to get the best out of them.

To further your discovery of the Petit Lenormand, I invite you to read my next article, where we will see how to choose the significator in a relevant way =

[✊ Learn Petit Lenormand : Choosing the Significator (4/7) ! ✊]


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